Weather in Cesme

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       Weather in Cesme


      Cesme weather is very pleasant for most of the year with long, hot summers and cool, damp winters. The climate is typical of its location in Turkey, which enjoys a warm Mediterranean climate that’s in full swing in the summer. The best time to visit Cesme is during peak season when temperatures are warm and the skies are virtually cloudless. The average temperature is around 33°C that lowers to 24°C in early autumn, which is great for relaxing on the beach and sightseeing. Rainfall is rare in the summer and you probably won’t see any in July or August. If you arrive in autumn, you can expect a monthly rainfall of 39mm. For cooler temperatures than the summer but just as much sunshine, the best time to go to Cesme is April. Spring is beautiful in Turkey and the weather is gradually heating up after the winter. You can look forward to an average temperature of 20°C with at least 13 hours of sunshine per day.

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