Weather in Marmaris

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       Weather in Marmaris


      Marmaris weather is influenced by its location on the southwest coast of Turkey. It enjoys long, hot summers with milder, damper weather arriving in winter. If you want to avoid the wet weather in Marmaris, you should visit between May and October. The average temperature in the summer ranges from 24°C to highs of 28°C. Clear skies are accompanied by the hot Mediterranean climate, which gives Marmaris up to 14 hours of warm sunshine per day. Temperatures in Marmaris are much cooler in autumn and spring, which is perfect if you prefer a cooler climate on holiday. If you’ve a lot of outdoor activities planned during your time away, arriving when the weather isn’t overly hot or humid is ideal. Daily averages are in the low-20s and high-teens, which is great for sightseeing and hiking through the stunning countryside. Most of the rain in Marmaris falls from November to March with around 14 rainy days per month. Temperatures are quite cold in winter, dropping to 10°C in January with evening lows of 7°C. Marmaris is located where the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas meet in Turkey, which means the warm currents help to keep temperatures from plummeting below freezing in winter. The surrounding mountains also give the region additional shelter from strong winds and cooler temperatures.

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