Weather in Maldives

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       Weather in Maldives


      The Maldives is made up of hundreds of islands in the Indian Ocean. This unique chain of beautiful islands enjoys a very hot climate with high temperatures lasting throughout the year. Famous for their stunning beaches and idyllic scenery, you’ll feel like you’ve landed in a sunny paradise when you arrive. Temperatures are always high, with an average of 30°C and lows of 25°C in the evening. The best time to go to Maldives is in the summer for high temperatures. However, the wet season runs from May to October, so you might want to wait until late autumn or winter to avoid the worst of the rainfall. The average rainfall in the summer is 161mm that lowers to just 75mm per month in winter. November to April is the best time to visit Maldives for a drier climate. You’ll still enjoy highs of 29°C and the average sea temperature is a pleasant 28°C.

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